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KOGI's CEO System and Data Security

Data security presents a major challenge confronting virtually every business in the digital age. IBM estimates the average total cost of a breach at a staggering $3.86 million dollars. With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic driving more and more companies to remote work as a public safety imperative, ensuring the integrity of proprietary data has never been more important.


KOGI’s CEO System, which KOGI recently showcased at the World Economic Forum (WEF) due to its privacy features, is designed to ensure enterprises maintain data privacy while effectively managing remote work processes and time attendance.  

To achieve this, the CEO System performs data encryption on the device side prior to cloud uploading. In the event of a data breach, hackers would be unable to access critical proprietary information. 

As more and more companies embrace digitization to compete in the “New Business Normal” brought on by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and Industry 4.0, KOGI’s CEO System helps ensure privacy and data integrity while maximizing productivity.