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2022 Online World Partner Conference

Scheduled to on September 15th 2022, this year's KOGI Online WPC will put  focus on partner sharing on how they handle digitization in their own sector/territory, and key driving factors leading to their successful deployment.  We will also give more opportunity for audience to interact with the presenters, to learn and grow together with the community sharing similar visions of post-pandemic digitization.

After last year's World Partner Conference, global markets have since slowly recovered with market regained confidence to release budgets for digitization projects.  The rebound effect varies from sector to sector, with statistics showing the contactless related investments has maintained, if not increased in momentum as businesses and people move on from COVID.

Participants (tech innovators / system integrators / channel partners / end users) from over 32 countries will be joining us.   Please sit back, and enjoy 2022 KOGI Online World Partner Conference with another round of well-paced and exciting topics prepared for you!


Book at seat today:   https://kogicorp2022wpc.ubpages.com/