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Hong Kong Supermarket Case Study

Long checkout times and unclear payment systems can frustrate the shopping experience. Fortunately, KOGI has built up a strong international track record delivering intelligent and customized retail solutions for businesses operating across a diverse array of sectors. 

In spring 2019, KOGI played a vital role in the refurbishment of a major supermarket located in Hong Kong’s Sha Tin neighborhood; introducing a self-service checkout system and payment kiosks that lowered manpower costs while reducing customer check-out times and improving the overall shopping flow.  

Focusing on convenience, KOGI introduced seven different payment methods, as well as a barcode scanner and a customer assistance button, for shoppers at the Sha Tin location. The traditional payment counter was integrated with an X86 architecture system, so the supermarket could effectively deliver targeted advertising messages to customers as they waited to checkout. 

As the world enters a “New Business Normal,” retailers will need to balance public health concerns with operational efficiency and rewarding consumer experience. With years of experience in AI and IoT design, KOGI’s contactless solutions can help retailers thrive during these challenging times.