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How KOGI is "COVID-Proofing" the Public Space

Whether it's purchasing a metro ticket, withdrawing money from the ATM, or ordering lunch from a digital kiosk, public life requires constant contact with physical surfaces. Often these surfaces are touched by hundreds, if not thousands, of different people on a daily basis.

As the COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated, human-to-surface contact poses a serious threat to public health and safety. In response, governments and enterprises are now embracing innovative technologies to sharply reduce surface contact and eradicate the COVID threat.  

This is where KOGI is stepping in to help. 

As part of our mission to deliver contactless user journeys, we're thrilled to offer hover-touch screen overlays that fully eliminate human-surface contact. Customers can now effortlessly interact with kiosks and pieces of digital signage from a safe distance of 2.5cm; a 5x increase from previous generations of hover-touch tech.

KOGI's overlays can be easily and inexpensively installed and fit over a broad range of screen sizes. To learn more about how KOGI’s hover-touch solutions can be a game-changer for your business, contact us today!