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Beating the Pandemic Fatigue

On Wednesday, May 12, KOGI staged its first webinar of 2021. Focusing on the overall theme of "Re-Connecting Lives: Contact-Free Digitization," the webinar drew attendees from over 50 companies and 25+ countries. We were pleased with the overall turnout and level of interest in contactless digital solutions. 

At KOGI, we recognize that after 16+ months of lockdowns, social distancing, and work from home, pandemic fatigue has set in. Now, more than ever, it's imperative to leverage cutting-edge technologies that allow humans to resume pre-pandemic activities while mitigating risk. 

With that goal in mind, KOGI offers zero-contact and computer vision technology solutions across a range of industries; covering everything from work and retail to health and entertainment. Whether public or private, KOGI offers streamlined services that allow our partners to execute their projects in a timely and professional manner.

If you're interested in learning more about how KOGI's contactless solutions can turbocharge your digital transformation, please get in touch with us today.