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FBI Warns of QR Code Scan Risks

In a recently released (21 Jan, 2022) news piece written by Luke Barr from ABC News, he unveiled alarming citations from FBI authorities in USA regarding recent cybersecurity compromises in the country.  Below are direct quotes from FBI authorities:

"Not every QR code is what it seems, and they've become a tool for bad actors"

"Malicious QR codes... contain embedded malware, allowing a criminal to gain access to the victim's mobile device and steal the victim's location, as well as personal and financial information"

"Cybercriminals are taking advantage of this technology... embedding malware to gain access.. redirecting payment for cybercriminal use"

Source:  https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/fbi-warns-criminals-fake-qr-codes-scam-users/story?id=82371866

Globally, there seems to be a growing awareness on how easy the QR code may be compromised which are all attributing to human bad actors.  Luckly, KOGI's HTO system offers a true edge-based contact-free upgrade without the need for users to take out their phones to initiate content interaction.

To find out more on how HTO helps to deliver a safe contact-free interaction in public spaces, please contact us at:  inquiry@kogicorp.com !